Surface DC Voltmeter SVM2
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An electrostatic meter, the Surface DC Voltmeter (SVM2), also known as a Static Charge Meter, is a handheld static electricity meter that reads static electricity without contact. It measures voltage on conductive surfaces and can be used to calculate charge density on insulators.

Air Shipment Milligauss Meter (Oersted Meter)
This meter is used to verify compliance with IATA, IACO, and FAA regulations on magnetism from packages to be shipped by air.

Battery Impedance Meter BIM
The Battery Impedance Meter is designed to read both the conductance (range 10-19,999 siemens) and resistance (0.050 – 19.999 milliohms) of large batteries from 1.2 to 60 volts. (These measurements determine whether the battery needs replacement.)

DC Milligauss Meter Model MGM
This meter reads weak DC magnetic fields down to 1 nT (.01 mG) with a range of 2 Gauss.

AC Milligauss Meter UHS2
Gauss meter for precise measurement of AC magnetic fields

Air Ion Counter
This Product is sold out! New Model Available. Click Here for AIC3Pro
The Air Ion Counter is a Gerdien Tube (Gerdien Condenser) meter that measures the number of positive and negative ion in air

Earth Magnetometer EM2
The Earth Magnetometer Model EM2 measures the Earth magnetic field with a resolution of 1nT (1 gamma). This resolution is about 0.002% of the typical Earth field strength. It is used to locate buried magnetic objects or materials.

Power Line Meter
A power line monitor that displays line noise in mVp-p (peak to peak). AC line noise is commonly referred to as Dirty Electricity, and can be a source of EMI.

Zero Gauss Chamber
Used to “zero” probes for gaussmeters, the ZGC has a built-in degausser and can achieve < 0.002 gauss in a typical external field.

Data Logger USB-DL1
The USB-DL1 is an extremely high dynamic range (24 bit) analog-to-digital converter that is used with a computer via USB port.

GM2 Standard Transverse Probe
The ST Transverse Probe is an extra thin probe for use with the Gaussmeter Model GM2, that is good for measuring gap configurations.
Maximum Range/Resolution: ±19,999.9 G / 0.1 G; 20kG – 30kG /1G

GM2 High Stability Axial Probe
The HS Axial is a detachable probe for use with the Gaussmeter Model GM2 that is great for measuring solenoids.
Maximum Range: ±799.99 G
Resolution: 0.01G