Gaussmeters are scientific instruments used to measure magnetic fields. AlphaLab carries a full line of hand-held, digital gaussmeters for scientific and industrial applications, that can measure DC and AC magnetic fields, as well as magnetic pulses. Measurements can be single-axis or 3-axis, with USB data logging and can range from 0.01 milligauss up to 30,000 gauss, depending on your application.

3-Axis Magnetoresistive Milligauss Meter MR3
Measures vector components (X, Y, Z) and magnitude of static magnetic field with USB datalogging.

DC Gaussmeter Model GM1-HS
The Gaussmeter Model GM1-HS reads moderate-strength static magnetic fields up to 800 G with a resolution of 0.01G. It measures magnetization of ferrous metals, solenoids and the far field of strong magnets

DC Gaussmeter Model GM1-ST
The Gaussmeter Model GM1-ST measures the field of even the strongest magnet (to 20kG) down to fine resolution (0.1G). Features rapid turn-on and fast update.

Magnetic Wave Amplifier (MagWave)
The MagWave, a fast magnetic waveform sensor, is intended to display pulses of magnetic field (one axis of the field) on an oscilloscope (not included). It accurately converts magnetic signals into voltage signals in real-time.
These capabilities make the MagWave an ideal instrument for measuring the output from PEMF generating equipment or other rapidly changing magnetic sources.

Gaussmeter Model GM2
Laboratory gaussmeter that reads AC/DC magnetic fields, true peak field, has an alarm and USB datalogging. Maximum range is 30,000 gauss.

Vector/Magnitude Gauss Meter Model VGM
Displays X, Y, Z and magnitude, for rapid magnetic field measurements, such as mapping the MRI fringe field (including the 5 gauss line) and scanning for residual magnetism. Displays the field values, with a user selectable sound and light alarm and USB datalogging. Maximum range is ±799.99 gauss.

Air Shipment Milligauss Meter (Oersted Meter)
This meter is used to verify compliance with IATA, IACO, and FAA regulations on magnetism from packages to be shipped by air.

DC Milligauss Meter Model MGM
This meter reads weak DC magnetic fields down to 1 nT (.01 mG) with a range of 2 Gauss.

AC Milligauss Meter UHS2
Gauss meter for precise measurement of AC magnetic fields

Earth Magnetometer EM2
The Earth Magnetometer Model EM2 measures the Earth magnetic field with a resolution of 1nT (1 gamma). This resolution is about 0.002% of the typical Earth field strength. It is used to locate buried magnetic objects or materials.

Zero Gauss Chamber
Used to “zero” probes for gaussmeters, the ZGC has a built-in degausser and can achieve < 0.002 gauss in a typical external field.

GM2 Standard Transverse Probe
The ST Transverse Probe is an extra thin probe for use with the Gaussmeter Model GM2, that is good for measuring gap configurations.
Maximum Range/Resolution: ±19,999.9 G / 0.1 G; 20kG – 30kG /1G